Soop M, Anderin K, Syk E, Nygren J, Segelman J
J Surg Oncol - (-) -
[2025-01-21; online 2025-01-21]
Stockholm, Sweden had among the highest excess mortality rates during the first wave of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. In March 2020, an entire hospital implemented an infection-free cold site infrastructure and scaled up imperative mainly colorectal cancer surgery, for the Stockholm health care region. The study evaluated the efficacy of the concept. Strict preadmission screening and prophylactic interventions were implemented. The outcomes of the cold site cohort (30th March-21st June 2020) were compared to a prepandemic control. Population-based data on colorectal cancer patients were collected from the Swedish Colorectal Cancer Registry. There were 107 patients in the cold site cohort and 109 in the control cohort. None developed COVID-19 within 30 days postoperatively. The proportions of pelvic and laparoscopic surgery were similar. The cold site cohort had more potentially avoidable stomas (32/94 (34%) vs 19/91 (21%), p = 0.0442). In the region, the proportion of colorectal cancer resections at the cold site increased from prepandemic 12.9% (58 of 448) to 43.3% (94 of 217) (p < 0.001). A SARS-CoV-2-cold site can be kept infection-free by screening, allowing increased volumes of colorectal cancer surgery with outcomes comparable to prepandemic practice. The cold site model should be more widely adopted in future similar scenarios. This study reports on the implementation of an entire cold site hospital for imperative colorectal surgery, in particular colorectal cancer, during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. By comparing outcomes to prepandemic practices, we demonstrated that the cold site hospital was effective in preventing infection and safely increasing surgical volume many-fold.
PubMed 39838541
DOI 10.1002/jso.28094
Crossref 10.1002/jso.28094