
Select publications using combinations of the operators and functions in the right-hand panel.

Check the box to include all authors.
Default is an abbreviated list containing at most the 2 first and the 2 last authors, omitting the middle authors.
Check the box to output one single label per record. If a publication has more than one label, it will then be represented by multiple records.
If unchecked, all labels will be concatenated, and one single record will be output per publication.
Check the box to include columns with the ISSN and ISSN-L of the journal.
The delimiter separating the columns in the CSV file.
The character encoding used in the CSV file.
Microsoft Excel on the 2011 version of Apple OSX has a known bug which hopefully can be circumvented using the ISO-8859-1 character encoding.
Check the box to include all authors.
Default is an abbreviated list containing at most the 2 first and the 2 last authors, omitting the middle authors.
Check the box to output one single label per record. If a publication has more than one label, it will then be represented by multiple records.
If unchecked, all labels will be concatenated, and one single record will be output per publication.
Check the box to include columns with the ISSN and ISSN-L of the journal.
Check the box to include all authors.
Default is an abbreviated list containing at most the 2 first and the 2 last authors, omitting the middle authors.
Prepend a number for each publication.
If the publication has a DOI, include the link (URL) for it.
If the publication has a PubMed identifier, include the link (URL) for it.
Add a newline whenever the number of characters reaches max 80 characters per line.


+ plus Union of the two sets.
- minus Difference between first and second set.
# hash Intersection between the two sets.
^ hat Symmetric difference between the two sets.


Operators are evaluated left-to-right; same precedence. Use parenthesis ( ) to control the evaluation order.


year(year) Select by year published.
label(label) Select by label. Character case is ignored. May contain wildcard '*' at the end. Use double-quotes around the value if it contains parentheses.
author(name) Select by author name of the form "family initials". Character case is ignored. May contain wildcard '*' at the end.
orcid(orcid) Select by researcher ORCID.
issn(code) Select by journal ISSN code.
published(date) Select published (official journal date) after the given date, of the form YYYY-MM-DD.
first(date) Select published first (official journal date or online) after the given date, of the form YYYY-MM-DD.
online(date) Select published online after the given date, of the form YYYY-MM-DD.
modified(date) Select modified after the given date, of the form YYYY-MM-DD.
no_doi() Select publications lacking DOI.
no_pmid() Select publications lacking PMID (PubMed identifier).
no_label() Select publications lacking label.


Labelled by 'ABC' and published during 2020, excluding those also labelled 'XYZ':
label(ABC) # year(2020) - label(XYZ)

Labelled by 'ABC', excluding those published during 2020 except those labelled 'XYZ':
label(ABC) # (year(2020) - label(XYZ))

All published during 2020 except those labelled 'ABC' having an author with a name beginning with an "a" (case is ignored):
year(2020) - (label(ABC) # author(a*))

A label having a parentheses within it; use double-quotes.
label("ABC (minor)")

Publications 9.5.1-pretest