ECDC Public Health Emergency Team , Danis K, Fonteneau L, Georges S, Daniau C, Bernard-Stoecklin S, Domegan L, O'Donnell J, Hauge SH, Dequeker S, Vandael E, Van der Heyden J, Renard F, Sierra NB, Ricchizzi E, Schweickert B, Schmidt N, Abu Sin M, Eckmanns T, Paiva JA, Schneider E
Euro Surveill 25 (22) - [2020-06-00; online 2020-06-12]
Residents in long-term care facilities (LTCF) are a vulnerable population group. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)-related deaths in LTCF residents represent 30-60% of all COVID-19 deaths in many European countries. This situation demands that countries implement local and national testing, infection prevention and control, and monitoring programmes for COVID-19 in LTCF in order to identify clusters early, decrease the spread within and between facilities and reduce the size and severity of outbreaks.
PubMed 32524949
DOI 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.22.2000956
Crossref 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2020.25.22.2000956