Bajc M, Hedeer F, Lindqvist A, Trägårdh E
Clin Med Insights Circ Respir Pulm Med 15 (-) 11795484211030159
[2021-07-20; online 2021-07-20]
V/P SPECT from 4 consecutive patients with COVID-19 suggests that ventilation and perfusion images may be applied to diagnose or exclude pulmonary embolism, verify nonsegmental diversion of perfusion from the ventilated areas (dead space ventilation) that may represent inflammation of the pulmonary vasculature, detect the reversed mismatch of poor ventilation and better preserved perfusion (shunt perfusion) in bilateral pulmonary inflammation and indicate redistribution of lung perfusion (antigravitational hyperperfusion) due to cardiac congestion. V/P mismatch and reversed mismatch may be extensive enough to diminish dramatically preserved matching ventilation/perfusion and to induce severe hypoxemia in COVID-19.
PubMed 34349582
DOI 10.1177/11795484211030159
Crossref 10.1177/11795484211030159
pmc: PMC8295940
pii: 10.1177_11795484211030159