The cost-effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination program among age-groups children, adults, and elderly in Europe: A systematic review.

Untung T, Pandey R, Johansson P

Vaccine X 21 (-) 100580 [2024-12-00; online 2024-11-08]

To prepare for future epidemics, the experiences from the vaccination programs in the COVID-19 pandemic need to be collated. This systematic review synthesizes health economic evidence of COVID-19 vaccination programs in European countries comparing the target groups children, adults, and elderly, to study whether the Swedish vaccination strategy was justified on cost-effectiveness grounds. A literature search using the PICOS (Population, Intervention, Control, Outcomes, Study design) convention was conducted in the databases Medline, Embase, PsycInfo, CINAHL, and Tuft CEA Registry, Cochrane and INAHTA in February 2023. The inclusion criteria were economic evaluations (S) comparing COVID-19 vaccination (I) in age-groups children, adult, and elderly European residents (P) with non-vaccinated European residents (C) in terms of cost per QALY, cost differences, and net monetary benefit (O). Hand-search was done on selected websites and in reference lists of included reports. Title/abstract screening, full-text screening, and quality assessment with the Swedish HTA agency checklist were performed by two researchers. The reporting follows the PRISMA 2020 recommendations. The database search resulted in 5,720 reports, title/abstract screening yielded 162 reports and after full-text screening, four reports remained. Two studies comparing vaccination of adults and elderly with high and moderate study quality were included. No study was found on the children population. The economic evidence indicated that COVID-19 vaccination of the elderly is cost-effective when compared with vaccination of the adult group, but the transferability to Swedish circumstances was inconclusive due to differences in outcome and cost data between Sweden and the included studies' settings. The common European COVID-19 vaccination policy that prioritized the elderly population was the cost-effective option in the reviewed studies. The lack of transferability to Sweden precludes a clear conclusion on the Swedish vaccination policy.

Category: Other

Category: Public Health

Category: Vaccines

Type: Journal article

PubMed 39633853

DOI 10.1016/j.jvacx.2024.100580

Crossref 10.1016/j.jvacx.2024.100580

pmc: PMC11615606
pii: S2590-1362(24)00153-0

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