Ljunggren H, Ask EH, Cornillet M, Strunz B, Chen P, Rao Muvva J, Akber M, Buggert M, Chambers BJ, Cuapio A, Dzidic M, Filipovic I, Flodström-Tullberg M, Garcia M, Gorin J, Gredmark-Russ S, Hertwig L, Klingström J, Kokkinou E, Kvedaraite E, Lourda M, Mjösberg J, Maucourant C, Norrby-Teglund A, Palma Medina LM, Parrot T, Perez-Potti A, Ponzetta A, Ringqvist E, Rivera-Ballesteros O, Rooyackers O, Sandberg JK, Sandberg JT, Sekine T, Svensson M, Varnaite R, Wullimann D, Karolinska KI/K COVID-19 Study Group , Eriksson LI, Aleman S, Malmberg K, Strålin K, Björkström NK
Scand J Immunol - (-) e13195
[2022-06-02; online 2022-06-02]
The Karolinska KI/K COVID-19 Immune Atlas project was conceptualized in March 2020 as a part of the academic research response to the developing SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. The aim was to rapidly provide a curated dataset covering the acute immune response towards SARS-CoV-2 infection in humans, as it occurred during the first wave. The Immune Atlas was built as an open resource for broad research and educational purposes. It contains a presentation of the response evoked by different immune and inflammatory cells in defined naïve patient-groups as they presented with moderate and severe COVID-19 disease. The present Resource Article describes how the Karolinska KI/K COVID-19 Immune Atlas allow scientists, students, and other interested parties to freely explore the nature of the immune response towards human SARS-CoV-2 infection in an online setting.
Funder: KAW/SciLifeLab National COVID program
PubMed 35652743
DOI 10.1111/sji.13195
Crossref 10.1111/sji.13195