Kubickova V, Steel C, Moulds ML, Kanstrup M, Beer S, Darwent M, Keating L, Holmes EA, Iyadurai L
JMIR Hum Factors 11 (-) e55562 [2024-11-18; online 2024-11-18]
Frontline health care staff are frequently exposed to traumatic events as part of their work. Although this study commenced before the emergence of COVID-19, levels of exposure were heightened by the pandemic. Many health care staff members report intrusive memories of such events, which can elicit distress, affect functioning, and be associated with posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in the long term. We need evidence-based interventions that are brief, preventative, nonstigmatizing, suitable for the working lives of frontline health care staff, and effective for repeated trauma exposure. A brief, guided imagery-competing task intervention involving a trauma reminder cue and Tetris gameplay may hold promise in this regard, given evidence that it can prevent and reduce the number of intrusive memories following trauma across various settings. This case series aims to investigate the impact of a brief imagery-competing task intervention on the number of intrusive memories, general functioning, and symptoms of posttraumatic stress, anxiety, and depression, and examine the feasibility and acceptability of the intervention for UK National Health Service frontline health care staff. The intervention was delivered with guidance from a clinical psychologist. We recruited 12 clinical staff from the UK National Health Service, specifically from emergency departments, the intensive care unit, and the ambulance service. We evaluated the intervention using an AB single-case experimental design, where the baseline (A) was the monitoring-only phase and the postintervention (B) period was the time after the intervention was first administered. Methods were adapted once the COVID-19 pandemic began. There was a decrease (59%) in the mean number of intrusive memories per day from baseline (mean 1.29, SD 0.94) to postintervention (mean 0.54, SD 0.51). There was a statistically significant reduction in the number of intrusive memories from baseline to postintervention, as shown by an aggregated omnibus analysis with a small effect size (τ-U=-0.38; P<.001). Depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress symptoms all significantly reduced from preintervention to postintervention. Participants also reported improvements in functioning based on both quantitative and qualitative measures. The intervention was feasible to deliver and rated as acceptable by participants. These preliminary findings suggest that this brief therapist-guided imagery-competing task intervention offers a potential approach to mitigating the impact of work-related traumatic events in frontline health care staff, both during a pandemic and beyond. Randomized controlled trials will be an important next step.
Category: Social Science & Humanities
PubMed 39556801
DOI 10.2196/55562
Crossref 10.2196/55562
pmc: PMC11612583
pii: v11i1e55562