Sansone M, Studahl M, Berg S, Gisslén M, Sundell N
Infect Dis (Lond) - (-) 1-6
[2022-01-16; online 2022-01-16]
Multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS) triggered by a recent SARS-Cov-2 infection has been recognised worldwide. Although predominantly affecting children (MIS-C), similar presentations have been reported among adults (MIS-A). A retrospective case series describing four critically ill patients with MIS-C/A diagnosed between January and April 2021 at Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden. Clinical presentation, laboratory and radiological findings, treatment and outcome are reported. Cases occurred in previously healthy patients with a history of laboratory-confirmed mild SARS-CoV-2 infection four to seven weeks earlier. The median age was 24 years (range 19-43) and 3/4 were male. All fulfilled suggested MIS-C/A criteria according to the US Centre for Disease Control and all required care at an intensive care unit. Treatment was initiated with intravenous immunoglobulin, interleukin-1-receptor antagonists, and pulse steroids in 3/4 cases which resulted in rapid clinical improvement. No severe complications were noticed in any case during a three-month follow-up period. MIS-C/A should be considered, irrespective of age, in patients with fever, hyperinflammation and multiple organ system involvements emerging weeks after COVID-19. Previously suggested treatment regimens for MIS-C seem to be applicable also for MIS-A.
Funder: KAW/SciLifeLab National COVID program
Research Area: Biobanks for COVID-19 research
PubMed 35034549
DOI 10.1080/23744235.2021.2025422
Crossref 10.1080/23744235.2021.2025422