Low prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 among pregnant and postpartum patients with universal screening in Seattle, Washington.

LaCourse SM, Kachikis A, Blain M, Simmons LE, Mays JA, Pattison AD, Salerno CC, McCartney SA, Kretzer NM, Resnick R, Shay RL, Savitsky LM, Curtin AC, Huebner EM, Ma KK, Delaney S, Delgado C, Schippers A, Munson J, Pottinger PS, Cohen S, Neme S, Bourassa L, Bryan A, Greninger A, Jerome KR, Roxby AC, Lokken E, Cheng E, Adams Waldorf KM, Hitti J

Clin Infect Dis - (-) - [2020-05-30; online 2020-05-30]

We found a low prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 (2.7% [5/188]) among pregnant and postpartum patients after initiating universal testing. Prevalence among symptomatic patients (22.2% [4/18]) was similar to initial targeted screening approaches (19.1% [8/42]). Among 170 asymptomatic patients, two were positive or inconclusive, respectively; repeat testing at 24 hours was negative.

Category: Health

Type: Journal article

PubMed 32472688

DOI 10.1093/cid/ciaa675

Crossref 10.1093/cid/ciaa675

pii: 5848913
pmc: PMC7314151

Publications 9.5.0