Publications 2021

1399 publications

What now for Sweden and covid-19?
Paterlini M
BMJ 375 (-) n3081 [2021-12-22; online 2021-12-22]
Type: Other
The Exposome and Immune Health in Times of the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Morales JS, Valenzuela PL, Castillo-García A, ..., Carrera-Bastos P, Lucia A
Nutrients 14 (1) - [2021-12-22; online 2021-12-22]
Type: Review
Potential SARS-CoV-2 infectiousness among asymptomatic healthcare workers.
Pimenoff VN, Elfström M, Conneryd Lundgren K, ..., Melen E, Dillner J
PLoS One 16 (12) e0260453 [2021-12-17; online 2021-12-17]
Category: Health Type: Journal article
Radua J, Fortea L, Pomarol-Clotet E, ..., Fullana MÀ, Solanes A
Rev Psiquiatr Salud Ment - (-) - [2021-12-17; online 2021-12-17]
Category: Health Type: Journal article
[Insights from creating a covid-19 biobank in Sweden].
Ljunggren HG, Strålin K, Chen P, ..., Aleman S, Björkström N
Lakartidningen 118 (-) - [2021-12-15; online 2021-12-15]
Category: Health Type: Journal article
Promoting a Syndemic Approach for Cardiometabolic Disease Management During COVID-19: The CAPISCO International Expert Panel.
Al Mahmeed W, Al-Rasadi K, Banerjee Y, ..., Rizzo M, CArdiometabolic Panel of International experts on Syndemic COvid-19 (CAPISCO)
Front Cardiovasc Med 8 (-) 787761 [2021-12-15; online 2021-12-15]
Category: Health Type: Journal article
Dapagliflozin in patients with COVID-19: mind the kidneys - Authors' reply.
Kosiborod MN, Esterline R, Oscarsson J, ..., Verma S, Berwanger O
Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol - (-) - [2021-12-15; online 2021-12-15]
Type: Other
Safeguarding people living in vulnerable conditions in the COVID-19 era through universal health coverage and social protection.
Barron GC, Laryea-Adjei G, Vike-Freiberga V, ..., Karadag O, Lancet Commission on COVID-19: Task Force on Humanitarian Relief, Social Protection and Vulnerable Groups
Lancet Public Health - (-) - [2021-12-10; online 2021-12-10]
Category: Public Health Type: Review
Infectious complications and vaccines
Ljungman P
- 2021 (1) 587-591 [2021-12-10; online 2021-12-10]
Type: Other
Indirect effects of COVID-19 on the environment: How deep and how long?
Vadiati M, Beynaghi A, Bhattacharya P, Bandala ER, Mozafari M
Sci Total Environ - (-) 152255 [2021-12-09; online 2021-12-09]
Category: Other Type: Journal article
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on food production and animal health.
Rahimi P, Islam MS, Duarte PM, ..., Ashour HM, Rahman MT
Trends Food Sci Technol - (-) - [2021-12-06; online 2021-12-06]
Type: Review
Randomised clinical trials in critical care: past, present and future.
Granholm A, Alhazzani W, Derde LPG, ..., Perner A, Møller MH
Intensive Care Med - (-) - [2021-12-02; online 2021-12-02]
Type: Review
Lifestyle and mental health 1 year into COVID-19.
Barbieri PN, Giuntella O, Saccardo S, Sadoff S
Sci Rep 11 (1) 23349 [2021-12-02; online 2021-12-02]
Category: Public Health Type: Journal article
Respiratory infection risk-based ventilation design method.
Kurnitski J, Kiil M, Wargocki P, ..., Olesen B, Morawska L
Build Environ 206 (-) 108387 [2021-12-00; online 2021-09-24]
Category: Other Type: Journal article
Unsuccessful and Successful Clinical Trials in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: Addressing Physiology-Based Gaps.
Villar J, Ferrando C, Tusman G, ..., Rodríguez-Suárez P, Suárez-Sipmann F
Front Physiol 12 (-) 774025 [2021-11-30; online 2021-11-30]
Type: Review
Application of Stem Cell-Derived Extracellular Vesicles as an Innovative Theranostics in Microbial Diseases.
Keshavarz Alikhani H, Shokoohian B, Rezasoltani S, ..., Hassan M, Vosough M
Front Microbiol 12 (-) 785856 [2021-11-30; online 2021-11-30]
Type: Review
COVID-19 and myocardial infarction - Authors' reply.
Katsoularis I, Fonseca-Rodríguez O, Farrington P, Lindmark K, Connolly AF
Lancet 398 (10315) 1964 [2021-11-27; online 2021-11-29]
Category: Public Health Type: Other
COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy in the United States: A Systematic Review
Yasmin F, Najeeb H, Moeed A, ..., Lin CY, Pakpour AH
Front Public Health 9 (-) - [2021-11-23; online 2021-11-23]
Type: Review
Obstructive sleep apnea is an independent risk factor for severe COVID-19: a population-based study.
Rögnvaldsson KG, Eyþórsson ES, Emilsson ÖI, ..., Guðmundsson G, Steingrímsson V
Sleep - (-) - [2021-11-17; online 2021-11-17]
Category: Health Type: Journal article
Impact of COVID-19 on global burn care.
Laura P, José A, Nikki A, ..., Shelley W, Mark F
Burns - (-) - [2021-11-17; online 2021-11-17]
Category: Health Type: Journal article
Just how common is TTS after a second dose of the ChAdOx1 nCov-19 vaccine? - Authors' reply.
Bhuyan P, Medin J, da Silva HG, Yadavalli M, Nord M
Lancet 398 (10313) 1801-1802 [2021-11-13; online 2021-11-15]
Type: Other
General stress among young adults with asthma during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ekström S, Mogensen I, Georgelis A, ..., Kull I, BAMSE COVID-19 Study Group
J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract - (-) - [2021-11-13; online 2021-11-13]
Category: Health Type: Journal article
Does COVID-19 cause pre-eclampsia?
Khalil A, Samara A, Chowdhury T, O'Brien P
Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol - (-) - [2021-11-11; online 2021-11-11]
Type: Other
Avian influenza, a new threat to public health in Europe?
Adlhoch C, Baldinelli F, Fusaro A, Terregino C
Clin Microbiol Infect - (-) - [2021-11-08; online 2021-11-08]
Type: Other
Heart failure in type 2 diabetes: current perspectives on screening, diagnosis and management.
Ceriello A, Catrinoiu D, Chandramouli C, ..., Standl E, D&CVD EASD Study Group
Cardiovasc Diabetol 20 (1) 218 [2021-11-06; online 2021-11-06]
Type: Review
Decrease in community antibiotic consumption during the COVID-19 pandemic, EU/EEA, 2020.
Högberg LD, Vlahović-Palčevski V, Pereira C, ..., ESAC-Net study group , ESAC-Net study group participants
Euro Surveill 26 (46) - [2021-11-00; online 2021-11-20]
Category: Biochemistry Category: Health Type: Journal article
Beyond building back better: imagining a future for human and planetary health.
de León EA, Shriwise A, Tomson G, ..., Menne B, Dooris M
Lancet Planet Health 5 (11) e827-e839 [2021-11-00; online 2021-11-15]
Type: Review
Allergen Immunotherapy management during vaccinations: An international survey.
Masieri S, Bachert C, Ojeda P, ..., Giorgio C, Study Group on AIT & Vaccinations
World Allergy Organ J 14 (11) 100601 [2021-11-00; online 2021-11-08]
Category: Health Category: Vaccines Type: Journal article
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on autoimmune diagnostics in Europe: A lesson to be learned.
Nagy E, Infantino M, Bizzaro N, ..., Damoiseaux J, European Autoimmunity Standardisation Initiative
Autoimmun Rev - (-) 102985 [2021-10-27; online 2021-10-27]
Type: Review
Potential therapeutic effect of oxygen-ozone in controlling of COVID-19 disease.
Yousefi B, Banihashemian SZ, Feyzabadi ZK, ..., Emadi A, Eslami M
Med Gas Res 12 (2) 33-40 [2021-10-23; online 2021-10-23]
Type: Review
Geogenic and pathogenic contamination: Issues and innovation in the post-COVID-Anthropocene.
Kumar M, Vithanage M, An AK, Weber KA, Bhattacharya P
J Hazard Mater 429 (-) 127501 [2021-10-14; online 2021-10-14]
Type: Other
A Longitudinal Study of Gambling Behaviors During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Sweden.
Månsson V, Wall H, Berman AH, Jayaram-Lindström N, Rosendahl I
Front Psychol 12 (-) 708037 [2021-10-14; online 2021-10-14]
Category: Public Health Type: Journal article
Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance for Patients With COVID-19.
Petersen SE, Friedrich MG, Leiner T, ..., Schulz-Menger J, Bluemke DA
JACC Cardiovasc Imaging - (-) - [2021-10-07; online 2021-10-07]
Type: Review
Association Between Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibitors and the Risk of Hospitalization or Death Among Patients With Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Disease and COVID-19.
Izadi Z, Brenner EJ, Mahil SK, ..., Psoriasis Patient Registry for Outcomes, Therapy and Epidemiology of COVID-19 Infection (PsoProtect); the Secure Epidemiology of Coronavirus Under Research Exclusion for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (SECURE-IBD); and the COVID-19 Global Rheumatology Allianc , Psoriasis Patient Registry for Outcomes, Therapy and Epidemiology of COVID-19 Infection (PsoProtect); the Secure Epidemiology of Coronavirus Under Research Exclusion for Inflammatory Bowel Disease (SECURE-IBD); and the COVID-19 Global Rheumatology Alliance (GRA)
JAMA Netw Open 4 (10) e2129639 [2021-10-01; online 2021-10-01]
Category: Biochemistry Category: Health Type: Journal article
Spotlight influenza: The 2019/20 influenza season and the impact of COVID-19 on influenza surveillance in the WHO European Region.
Adlhoch C, Sneiderman M, Martinuka O, ..., European Influenza Surveillance Network , Members of the European Influenza Surveillance Network
Euro Surveill 26 (40) - [2021-10-00; online 2021-10-09]
Category: Health Research Area: Data-driven research – models and AI Type: Journal article
Autoimmunity roots of the thrombotic events after COVID-19 vaccination.
Elrashdy F, Tambuwala MM, Hassan SS, ..., Redwan EM, Uversky VN
Autoimmun Rev - (-) 102941 [2021-09-08; online 2021-09-08]
Category: Health Type: Journal article
Repeated Covid-19 Infection Exists: A Case Series From Pakistan.
Haq ZU, Fazid S, Yousafzai YM, ..., Ullah N, Sherin A
J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad 33 (3) 519-522 [2021-09-07; online 2021-09-07]
Category: Health Type: Journal article
Thirty-Day Outcomes of Children and Adolescents With COVID-19: An International Experience.
Duarte-Salles T, Vizcaya D, Pistillo A, ..., Kostka K, Prieto-Alhambra D
Pediatrics 148 (3) e2020042929 [2021-09-00; online 2021-05-28]
Category: Health Type: Journal article
Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification Detection of SARS-CoV-2 and Myriad Other Applications.
Moore KJM, Cahill J, Aidelberg G, ..., Mason CE, gLAMP Consortium
J Biomol Tech 32 (3) 228-275 [2021-09-00; online 2022-02-10]
Type: Review
Editorial: The Different Faces of Sickness.
Rademacher L, Lasselin J, Karshikoff B, ..., Engler H, Lange T
Front Psychiatry 12 (-) 735337 [2021-08-31; online 2021-08-31]
Type: Other
Testing indicators to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic.
Beauté J, Adlhoch C, Bundle N, Melidou A, Spiteri G
Lancet Infect Dis - (-) - [2021-08-24; online 2021-08-24]
Type: Other
A Global Survey of Emergency Department Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Mahajan P, Shu-Ling C, Gutierrez C, ..., Kuppermann N, EKelund U
West J Emerg Med 22 (5) 1037-1044 [2021-08-21; online 2021-08-21]
Category: Public Health Type: Journal article
Southeast Asia is an emerging hotspot for COVID-19.
Chookajorn T, Kochakarn T, Wilasang C, Kotanan N, Modchang C
Nat Med - (-) - [2021-08-16; online 2021-08-16]
Type: Other
Towards a European strategy to address the COVID-19 pandemic
Priesemann V, Balling R, Bauer S, ..., Van Gucht S, Willeit P
Lancet - (-) - [2021-08-00; online 2021-08-00]
Type: Other
Rapid Exclusion of COVID Infection With the Artificial Intelligence Electrocardiogram.
Attia ZI, Kapa S, Dugan J, ..., Friedman PA, Discover Consortium (Digital and Noninvasive Screening for COVID-19 with AI ECG Repository)
Mayo Clin Proc 96 (8) 2081-2094 [2021-08-00; online 2021-08-07]
Category: Health Type: Journal article
Fostering healthy aging: The interdependency of infections, immunity and frailty.
Vetrano DL, Triolo F, Maggi S, ..., Ferrucci L, Fratiglioni L
Ageing Res Rev 69 (-) 101351 [2021-08-00; online 2021-05-07]
Type: Review
Comorbidity status of deceased COVID-19 in-patients in Italy.
Vetrano DL, Tazzeo C, Palmieri L, ..., Onder G, Italian National Institute of Health Covid-Mortality Group
Aging Clin Exp Res 33 (8) 2361-2365 [2021-08-00; online 2021-06-24]
Category: Public Health Type: Journal article
A look into the future of the COVID-19 pandemic in Europe: an expert consultation.
Iftekhar EN, Priesemann V, Balling R, ..., Van Gucht S, Willeit P
Lancet Reg Health Eur - (-) 100185 [2021-07-30; online 2021-07-30]
Type: Review
SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Extrapolation for COVID Diagnosis and Vaccine Development.
Malik YS, Kumar P, Ansari MI, ..., Rahimi P, Dhama K
Front. Mol. Biosci. 8 (-) 607886 [2021-07-28; online 2021-07-28]
Type: Review
COVID-19: counting migrants in.
Hargreaves S, Hayward SE, Noori T, McKee M, Kumar B
Lancet 398 (10296) 211-212 [2021-07-17; online 2021-07-19]
Type: Other
COVID-19: the turning point for gender equality.
Fisseha S, Sen G, Ghebreyesus TA, ..., Remme M, Allotey P
Lancet - (-) - [2021-07-16; online 2021-07-16]
Category: Social Science & Humanities Type: Journal article
Association Between Administration of IL-6 Antagonists and Mortality Among Patients Hospitalized for COVID-19: A Meta-analysis.
WHO Rapid Evidence Appraisal for COVID-19 Therapies (REACT) Working Group , Shankar-Hari M, Vale CL, ..., Marshall JC, Sterne JAC
JAMA - (-) - [2021-07-06; online 2021-07-06]
Category: Health Type: Journal article
Vaccine effectiveness against symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection in adults aged 65 years and older in primary care: I-MOVE-COVID-19 project, Europe, December 2020 to May 2021.
Kissling E, Hooiveld M, Sandonis Martín V, ..., I-MOVE-COVID-19 primary care study team , I-MOVE-COVID-19 primary care study team (in addition to authors above)
Euro Surveill 26 (29) - [2021-07-00; online 2021-07-24]
Category: Health Type: Journal article
The Swedish public health response to COVID-19.
Tegnell A
APMIS 129 (7) 320-323 [2021-07-00; online 2021-02-23]
Type: Other
Sustained prothrombotic changes in convalescent patients with COVID-19.
von Meijenfeldt FA, Thålin C, Lisman T
Lancet Haematol 8 (7) e475 [2021-07-00; online 2021-06-26]
Type: Other
Resetting the agenda for antibiotic resistance through a health systems perspective.
Cars O, Chandy SJ, Mpundu M, ..., Zorzet A, So AD
Lancet Glob Health 9 (7) e1022-e1027 [2021-07-00; online 2021-06-19]
Type: Review
Lessons from COVID.
Kitson A, Huisman-de Waal G, Muntlin A
J Adv Nurs 77 (7) e7-e9 [2021-07-00; online 2021-03-29]
Type: Other
Editor's Choice - The Impact of Covid-19 on Vascular Procedures in Sweden 2020.
Björses K, Blomgren L, Holsti M, ..., Smidfelt K, Mani K
Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 62 (1) 136-137 [2021-07-00; online 2021-05-05]
Type: Other